Siamese, Oriental and HHP Show

Chieveley Village Hall, High Street, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 8TE

  • Wide variety of judges - we have 6 Siamese and Oriental judges + 2 HHP judges.
  • Generous spot prizes for all exhibitors, not just the BIS cats.
  • Low entry fees and FREE parking.
  • Pens completely bulging with freebies.
  • Everyone on their way home nice and early, we usually close the show about 3pm.
  • Enter 2 cats & pay just £12 for all further entries 3rd, 4th, 5th cat etc. just £12.
  • Learn about our breeds with the new optional March Madness ring judging classes!

Show will stop taking entries 16/2/2025.

Entering The Show

You can download your entry forms and post them along with your entry fee (or even better, you can easily enter online here using the GCCF STAR system and pay by card).  

New March Madness Class!

Introducing a new class that will be judged in a ring format where you can watch the class being judged and listen to the judges comments as they judge the class.

  • This is an additional class that is optional to enter and will be limited to 10 cats per ring.
  • There will be four classes - Adult, Kitten, Neuter and HHP.
  • There will be prizes for the winners.
  • Cost to enter is just £4 and is entirely optional.

I don't want you to miss out on these classes so if you are thinking of entering then my advice is enter now to avoid disappointment. I am fully expecting all the March Madness classes to be full to capacity VERY QUICKLY!

Special Offer . . . ENTER YOUR CATS FOR JUST £12!!

So here's the deal . . .

If you enter two cats into the show you will be able to add as many extra cats as you want at just £12 each.

So why not enter a couple more cats or kittens into the show and take advantage of this huge discount.

All you need to do is enter your first two cats and then contact the show manager with the details of your extra cats. (currently the only way to get the discounted rate on additional cats is to contact the show manager)

You can enter as many extra cats as you like at just £12 each.

Contact the show manager with any further cats you want to enter and they will be added to your existing entry at just £12 a cat (pay by bank transfer).

Friendly Show

A fun show with a fantastic atmosphere.

Book Your Breakfast

Breakfast is available if your pre-order with your show entry. Tea / Coffee and a bacon butty for just £4.50.

Brand New Venue

Excellent motorway access, FREE parking, hot food and refreshments all day.

Chieveley Village Hall, High Street, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 8TE